Mappyficent established since November, 10th 2019.
Point system activated since November, 11st 2019.
NPCs in charge are :





  1. 90% english and 10% other language. Using full time english is more preferable since we are an international agency.

  2. Accepting any kind of roleplayers, both asian and non-asian except 2D roleplayers, CA/PA/FA/BOT/SPAZZ.

  3. Multi agency is allowed up to 2 agencies including us. Please treat us fairly.

  4. Free DN and UN as long as it's related to the character you portray.

  5. We highly encourage you to use your main account. We accept new or revamped accounts with 2 conditions : your tweet must reach 150 (no retweet) before you decide to join us.

  6. Timeline isn’t rated, but please keep it clean and positive. Bookmark instead of rt/liking nsfw contents and do your 19+ stuff in dms. Lets respect others who prefer PG timeline and underage.

  7. Lessen and keep OOC stuffs in brackets.

  8. No facechasing or otp chasing. No biased replies. No being picky and reply only to certain people repeatedly at time, please talk to all mappies and not only to those you're close with. No muting or blocking current members. If you have any concerns, please inform mappybase and we will try our best to help you out.

  9. No drama allowed. Mingle and respect everyone. Password is (attach your own meme)

  10. First time greeting isn’t compulsory, but highly encouraged to start the friendship. Beware about spamming, we don’t want you to get shadowbanned.

  11. Inform the base if you change your username/faceclaim/taking hiatus – semi hiatus/resting/leaving.

Changing faceclaim is allowed after a week after your stay (and a month interval for the next CC) and the faceclaim you desire is available to use.TS is allowed for 3 days only to avoid any confusion. Twice in a month.Max time for hiatus is 2 weeks and semi hiatus is 1 week. (extension is permitted).ps. new mappie is allowed to ask for hiatus after staying active for a week from their arrival.

Warning given if:

Doesn't interact with mappyficent members.
Doesn't mingle with mappyficent members and only talk to specific members (biased replies) that leads to form a circle inside mappyficent.
Doesn't join 3 games in one level or 3 events in a row.
Breaking any rules.

AutoUV given if:

Inactive for 24 hours after verification.
Inactive for 5 days (RTs and just simple greeting won’t be considered as being active) and 3 days after hiatus time expired.
Deactivating/resting without any notice.
Getting 3 warnings and doesn't have any desire to improve themselves.

+50 as HP starter.
+20 as a reward for joining events & games.
+10 as a reward for being a fully active mappy
+100 as a reward for hosting game (see further info in our pinned)
-20 for changing character.
-10 for taking hiatus.
-5 for semi-hiatus.
-2 for temporary swap.
XP is given based on the rules of each games hosted by the npc

Point is counted by the npcs, although we encourage you to keep notes about it too.

HP will reset back to 50 (HP starter) everytime we level up, after MOTM announcement.

  1. Make sure you have read the rules, have less than 500 followings and an active roleplayers.

  2. Check your faceclaim availability by asking us via dm or mention.

  3. Fill the format bellow and send it to our DM :

hello, i'm (your name + d.o.b + occupation + your reason to join us + password + colored photo of you.

official picture only. find the password in the rules!

Once you're accepted, put 🍁 on your profile. Follow every mappy and welcome, first time playing Mappyficent?

    Mappyficent established since November, 10th 2019. Point system activated since November, 11st 2019.
    NPCs in charge are Merce, Adele, Phantom, Eleven and Shadow.